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Items that we may need later - can be copied and pasted

Registration Day!
Tuesday May 13, 2025

Important Messages:​​


Summary of the Day:

Event Space is being set up between 7am - 11am


8:30am - Heritage Hall Open

*If you are not attending a meeting please wait until 11am before visiting, thank you.


9am - Education Meeting & Chapter's Presidents Meeting start


Seminar Central in Heritage Hall

11am - Member's Exhibition Intake Opens (until 5pm)


12 noon - General Registration Opens (until 5pm)


1pm - Scissor Sharpening Drop off Opens (until 6pm)



6:30pm - Atrium Space Opens for Welcome Reception Cocktails


7pm - Welcome Reception Begins


Session A & 4 Day Classes Begin!
Wednesday May 14, 2025

Important Messages:​​


Summary of the Day:

8am - Members Exhibition opens for viewing

Seminar Central opens for the day


8:30am - Boutique Vendors open for the day


Classroom Spaces open to students at 8:45am

9am - Classes start for the day

Simply Stitching Room opens for the day


10:30am - Morning Refreshment Break (15 mins)


12 noon - Lunch Break (1 hour)

Classroom spaces will be secured and locked


1pm - Classes resume for afternoon


2:30pm - Afternoon Refreshment Break (15 mins)


4pm - Classes finish for the day

Classroom spaces will lock automatically at 4:30pm


5pm - Simply Stitching Room closes for the day


6pm - Members Exhibition closes for the day

Vendor Boutiques closes for the day


7:30pm - Virtual Threads Meeting (Room ##)


EAC/ACB Luncheon & Market Night!
Thursday May 15, 2025

Important Messages:​​


Summary of the Day:

8am - Members Exhibition opens for viewing

Seminar Central opens for the day


8:30am - Boutique Vendors open for the day


Classroom Spaces open to students at 8:45am

9am - Classes start for the day

​Simply Stitching Room opens for the day


Seminar 2026 Fundraiser Sneak Peek Display in Seminar Central


10:30am - Morning Refreshment Break (15 mins)


12 noon - EAC/ACB Luncheon in Atrium Space

Buffet Lunch and then EAC/ACB Board Presentation

Classroom spaces will be secure and locked


1:30pm - Classes resume for afternoon


3pm - Afternoon Refreshment Break (15 mins)


4:30pm - Classes finish for the day

Classroom spaces will lock automatically at 5pm


5pm - Simply Stitching Room closes for the day

*Please remember to take all your items as the room is not in use Friday


6pm - Members Exhibition closes for dinner

Vendor Boutiques close for dinner


7pm - Market Night & Boutiques Opens

Members Exhibition Open for viewing


Options Day
Friday May 16, 2025

Important Messages:​​


Summary of the Day:

8am - Members Exhibition opens for viewing

​Seminar Central opens for the day


8:30am - Boutique Vendors open for the day


8:45am - ​Tours gather in Bus Loading area


Classroom Spaces open to students at 8:45am

9am - Classes start for the day


Stitch In Public Atrium Take Over!

Find a chair and stitch, stitch, stitch


10:30am - Morning Refreshment Break (15 mins)


12 noon - Lunch Break (1 hour)

Classroom spaces will be secured and locked


1pm - Classes resume for afternoon

Scissor Sharpening Pick up opens (Seminar Central)


1-3pm - Stitch In Public Afternoon Activity in the Atrium


2:30pm - Afternoon Refreshment Break (15 mins)


4pm - Classes finish for the day

Classroom spaces will lock automatically at 4:30pm


6pm - Members Exhibition closes for the day

Vendor Boutiques closes for the day

Scissor Sharpening Pick up closes


Stitch In Public Atrium Take Over ... continues

Gather after dinner and stitch, stitch, stitch


7pm - Possible Evening Lecture


Session B Classes & Banquet!
Saturday May 17, 2025

Important Messages:​​


Summary of the Day:

8am - Members Exhibition opens for viewing

Seminar Central opens for the day


8:30am - Boutique Vendors open for the day


Classroom Spaces open to students at 8:45am

9am - Classes start for the day

Simply Stitching Room opens for the day


10:30am - Morning Refreshment Break (15 mins)


12 noon - Lunch Break (1 hour)

Classroom spaces will be secured and locked


1pm - Classes resume for afternoon


2:30pm - Afternoon Refreshment Break (15 mins)


4pm - Classes finish for the day

Classroom spaces will lock automatically at 4:30pm


5pm - Simply Stitching Room closes for the day


6pm - Members Exhibition closes for the day

Vendor Boutiques closes for the day


6:30pm - Atrium Space opens for Cocktails

7pm - Banquet Dinner Served

8pm - Banquet Presentations including Sneak Peek of Seminar 2026


The Last Day!
Sunday May 18, 2025

Important Messages:​​


Summary of the Day:

8am - Seminar Central opens for the day


8:30am - Boutique Vendors open for the day


Classroom Spaces open to students at 8:45am

9am - Classes start for the day

​Simply Stitching Room opens for the day


10:30am - Morning Refreshment Break (15 mins)


11am - Members Exhibition Pick up begins (until 5pm)


12 noon - Lunch Break (1 hour)

Classroom spaces will be secured and locked


1pm - Classes resume for afternoon


2pm - Boutiques Close 


4pm - Classes finish for the day

Simply Stitching Room closes for the day

Classroom spaces will lock automatically at 4:30pm


5pm - Event Space closes

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